Friday, April 11, 2008

A Constitutional Amendment Banning Sodomy

Please help by contacting the Congress and the White House and indicating you support a Constitutional amendment banning sodomy.
This is an urgent civil rights and human rights matter because the People’s right to the sexual essence that God created them with, heterosexual of course, is sacred and inviolable.

Please sign my petition at:

To: U.S. Congress

The 2003 Supreme Court ruling in the case LAWRENCE ET AL. v. TEXAS ( is an abomination. The Texas law is a good law because it correctly recognizes that homosexual sexual contact is sodomy. No heterosexual sexual contact is sodomy, not even anal sex. Rape is not heterosexual, and is to be considered sodomy, even if the sodomite claims they are doing something heterosexual. The sexual molestation of children is also a form of sodomy. We need the abominable ruling of Lawrence v. Texas overturned, but by an actual court of members of We The People. An investigation into the court and who was behind the abhorrent ruling must be done immediately. The ruling is an act of sodomy and the court should be arrested. An amendment to the Constitution ( outlawing sodomy is needed. The only reason the founding fathers did not make an amendment to the Constitution outlawing sodomy is because it was so clearly a part of their vision that sodomy is an abomination and must be outlawed that it went without saying, just like the sexual molestation of children is known by We The People to be abominable and must be outlawed but there is no Constitutional amendment for this. This is an urgent civil rights and human rights matter because the People’s right to the sexual essence that God created them with, heterosexual of course, is sacred and inviolable. God punished the sodomites of sodom and gomorrah with death, and our law must have the same punishment. The United States of America must be the leader and protector of freedom for all the people of the world, and must demand that the United Nations General Assembly have articles added to The Universal Declaration of Human Rights ( that recognize heterosexuality as the sexual essence of humanity and that heterosexuality is sacred and inviolable, and that sodomy is an abomination and is banned worldwide. The United States of America must demand there be enforcement of these human rights just as The United States of America has been a leader in defending other human rights, and provide whatever military force or other assistance is needed or requested by The United Nations to enforce the worldwide ban on sodomy.

Patrick M. Griffin

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